business - ethics - humans - consumerism

Business is an very essential part of our society .
It is a continuous process of buying and selling of goods and services.
Our complex world with complicated human demands of consumerism (both goods and services ) and materialistic approach , cannot survive without exchange , i.e business .
A businesman or a seller's yardstick of growth is primarily profit .

Since humans have unlimited demands and desire for luxury , the seller or owner of the business  is not an exception to that .

Very few businesman think of fair distribution of their profit to his or her employees or subordinates , who are the blood of our business - the human resources .
Most of the business having exploitative tendency , towards its human resource .
That can be in terms of work life balance , psychological space  , behaviour of the higher authority or remuneration. 
If we talk to the employees most of them are unhappy .

Very few businessman think of a reasonable profit , with high customer satisfaction .
Most of them think about profit maximisation & cost reduction , very aggressively .

If we consider this situation as a larger picture , where we are heading to !! 
We are giving birth of human machines in terms of employees . 
We are giving birth of extreme consumerism without rationality .

What society , we are producing .
Ill mental health - human machines with high desire of materialistic benefits causing many psychological disorder .
We are not so aware to think about a work life balance and to think about mental balance or handling stress , anger or frustration  .
Or to practice certain healing techniques as a compulsion like work out , yoga , meditation or a quality time with genuine people around us .Cause we do not have time for ourselves , most of the time , running in the rat race , doesn't know when to stop .

Is it desirable !! 
Should Labour Laws must be more strict about life balance and more fair distribution of profits !! 

May we should not think about irrational buying habits And excessive consumerism !! 

May be we should think about our mental health more and procedure to heal it !!

Should we all be more ethical and aware in a positive way , from both ends !!
For a fairer and happier society .
Can we give this a thought ? 


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