Health ...Mental Health is more Important than Physical Health

What do we understand by Mental Health ? 
When our mind cannot accept our outer environment as it is and we do not feel happy or positive about it that can cause mental stress .
Our outer environment is very good but still we are not good enough within our mind and suffering , sometimes we misinterpretet things or anticipate a danger and become sad or anxious .
The main problem , of mental stress that we could not accept or apreciate our outer environment or certain people or their behavior towards us .
Weather the situation is perfect or good , or the person is right and wrong is irrelevant .
The problem we face is in our mind , in our thoughts , in our imagination , our emotions are hurt , we think we are not understood by others ( we can be wrong sometimes too , but we are so hurt , that we sometimes cannot see the rationality ) 
More than the incident , we suffer in our thoughts .
We know we cannot change the situation but we desperately want to change it .
According to me , let go or forgiveness is the best remedy for your own mental wellbeing .
Divert yourself with any kind of hobby like music , art or dance .
Read books which can increase the dimension of your thoughts and acceptance .
Take help of therapy .
Talk about to your problems , to the reliable people who can understand you or empathetic about you .
When you do not like a person for their behavior  , try to reason out his or her problems , empathically .
If you need emotions and understanding from others , then you need to open up your warms of empathy for others . There must be a twoway effort of understanding .
When we go through tremendous stress , our hormonal functions also become disturbed , for that we need - exercise , meditation , chanting , reiki ( all are spiritual remedies ) .
We need spirituality , we need a philosophy of life , we need an understanding of our surrounding to seek positivity .We need a guidance to understand the rationality of the whole society , how it works , how we should behave , how we should think , react for our betterment .
How to stay calm , why to stay calm , why we should we empathetic n forgiving .
What kind of negativity we should avoid and why ?
We should talk to ourselves .
We should read and analyse  our mind , and thoughts and evaluate .
All situation and people are powerless without our reactions .
We are reacting to things wrongly sometimes , thats why we are getting hurt  .
Sometime we  should analyse our behavior critically than others .
Are we expecting too much from others and putting our burden of expectations on others and making them react against us .
If we are having some problems , how to solve it rationally , rather the feeling sad or ansxious about it .
We should stress more on the execution rather then the tension .
Awareness that we are in problem , is important .
We are in mental problem but we do not realize that , and we think we are okay , but having temperamental disorder and justifing it .
Making or Creating problems for others or unnecessary angry on other people,  due our own stress . That can be a problem .
Identifying our hazards , accepting it and looking for a remedy - the attitude is important .
I suffered from paranoia for 6 years . I was suicidal also , but I wanted to recover and identify , yes I have a problem .
But if I would have been denying my problem , I could not cure myself or take remedial measures .
The stigma with mental stress or disturbance is too much in our society .
We all want to show we are fine and happy .
But its okay - if are not okay .
Its okay , if we cant cope up .
Its okay to accept we feel weak .
If we accept it then only , we will look for a remedy .
If we come out of our embarrassment that its absolutely fine to be disturbed or not live upto the so called standards of society or our surrounding . If we accept our problems to others , then only we can look for remedy .
We need to talk more , about mental disturbances and think its not a taboo .Addressing my own  feelings and rationality , or taking help for that , make me no less than others but ease up my journey for a better life .
Where one can feel truly positive and happy from inside . 


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