Crimes and Criminals

Crimes.. For which one gets punishment. The punishment is confinement within a specified area called jail for a specified for a specified time or death sentence (which is less nowadays)
If someone is released again he is ready for crime. So why we are putting him into confinement for a restricted time, to restrict him from crime for a specified time?
Should the motive of our leaders be to change them as a positive persons who can contribute to the society in a better way.
First we should analyze why there are crimes  some are criminals due to extreme deprivation from society, family, economical or other aspects of life.
Some due to basic instinct from their genetic configuration  or their brain cells direct them towards crime , which a lay man will say that they choose to  be criminals.
To restrict crime society should be brought to equality, leaders should work on balanced distribution of wealth, moderate religious, spiritual, anti gender discriminating and anticaste system outlook should be consciousnessly imbided from elementary education to minimum post graduation along with mass education awareness . Control of civil war or civil conflicts of society, monitoring funds from from antinanationalists by central intelligence agencies should taken strict care of. Social work  and sports should get compulsory within education system. Social work helps to create empathy within a child for another person who belongs to a different strata of society and with whom that child was restricted from getting known. Creation of empathy and bonding is essential from childhood for  people other stratas of society , for whom people have prejudice or baisness. It increases tolerance and acceptance which decreases crime rate. Sports helps better growth of mind and body which help in creating anti depression hormones in body giving a positive healthy outlook. This was few steps which can help to decrease crimes from its very base.
Taking these measures can decrease crimes but uprooting it is a war for the mankind.
Jails should be transformed in rehalibiation centers where criminals are not punished but their shortcomings or negevities must have treatments .
Meditation and yoga is the most essential things to give them a uplifted mind, which is the source of all actions. Art, dance, sports, music, international cultural studies , elementary education and higher education should get cumpulsory.
These will train their mind to think on a broader dimension, which perhaps they never thought of or the cruelty of our society never taught them. Healthy and nutritious diet is important so that the body can also stimulate the mind for healthier thought process. Psychological counseling, spiritual gurus and motivational speakers should make frequent visits and treat them. Criminals who are pshyco logically illness must be treated with the help of psychiatrist.
Hate the crime but not the criminals because they are the product of our imperfect society which made by us all. It's our responsibility to make them better constructive humans, criminals are a part of us only and created by the same Supreme who created us all. Empathy, love and care can change a lot of things. Hatred can only destroy.


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