God And Society

  1. Can you give the definition of God?
    What is God, is it Jesus, is it Allah, is it Shiva, is it Buddha.
    Who has the Supreme authority on the creation or who among the above mentioned names has created the cosmos.
    According to the people of respective religions their own God has the Supreme powers.
    Has the God divided the sky and made their respective heavens and hells for their people. If so where are these places?
    Sometimes we see an event or karma which is a sin in one religion is a virtue in another. Or something which was a  virtue in the  past is a sin today  example sati daha pratha. So what is truth , what is vice, what is virtue, what is the ultimate unquestionable God.
    Is the above things are changeable with time and part of the evolution of the civilization. Is it only the part of perception of people living in the society and how they have made and developed their own world according their own whimps , thought process, upbringing  , environment . Do we have the capacity to understand the ultimate Supreme or Truth by which the universe is governed. Can we perceive the creation of time, the start or end of time and its creation by the divinity or the process by which its bind itself. Do we really possess the greatness to understand the phenomenal creation and its creator.
    But now some of us  are fighting to establish our respective thoughts and beliefs sometimes to the extent of genocide and massacars.
    But why we are not perceiving the beautiful world unitedly and harmoniously with love, sharing the world with everyone in peace. And be grateful to the divinity (which has no religion or name, as these  are created by us, I believe ) that gave us a consciousness which has a large potential to make our little world a kind place to dwell.
    But we all fighting to establish our own thoughts, trying to establish what is unknow to us , what we are having no accurate knowledge, rather do not have the tremendous ability to understand, what is God and religion to its full extent.
    According to my belief being truthful to one self, helping mankind, establishing positive philanthropic influence in society, serving humanism and serving life, serving our mother nature as much as possible by our potential is serving the Supreme and creating a better world for us which can give better fruits for future.


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    1. তোকে অজস্র শুভেচ্ছা এত সুন্দর একটা পরিচ্ছেদ লেখার জন্য ! তোর মানসিকতা ও দৃষ্টিভঙ্গীকে সহস্র কুর্নিশ , এভাবে কতজন চিন্তা করে জানি না ! অজস্র অভিনন্দন !



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