The earring the mall the consumerism

Today I visited a mall in my city kolkata. I am fond of earrings, I saw different earrings, I observed their style, their finishing, how they are structured, the components or metals they are made up of. I saw the pricing. When I analyzed the pricing of every earrings wether that's on the lower or on the higher side, my conclusion was all are overpriced comparing to the cost of production .
People are buying these, but they could have bought that at much lesser price.
Taking away as much as profit as possible, should this be the basis of good business or healthy compition. Business needs profit to survive but how much , what are  the parameters.
A pair of earring which can be made at rupess 50 are sold at rupees 300.
Who are getting maximum amount of profit, the owner, is the labour who worked for it getting its appropriate dues?
Our earth is now an imbalanced, very imbalanced round body. There is rooted economic imbalance. Someone in India living in a bungalow which has 27 th floors and in the same city is the largest slum of our country.This is because we are buying high priced overrated products influenced by attractive marketing but never questioning the story behind. Never questing the system. Never learning how it works and how it should be corrected. Accepting our daily grievances , abusing the system but not getting united and working for its betterment in our own way. No one is calling us from within and asking for change. We are slaves of blind unquestionable consumerism. 


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