The story of sellers and I

There are flies ... there are dust on the roads .. carts ....vehicles .. big umbrellas to guard from the scorching sun . The sellers sitting on the road selling vegetables , sanitizer , mask , raw fish ,meat , plants to decorate houses , cereals and all the daily needs of the local people are served by them . We call it , in our native language - bazaar . The sellers serve us with all our very important needs of day to day life . What if there are no seller - can we exist ? No we cannot ... They are important to our lives . Have we ever thought - how they are in their lives ? What are there day to day struggle for their basic needs or survival . But they are very useful to our daily lives , they are working day and night for very little in return ( in monetary terms ) to serve us , but normally we do not give any time to think about their well being or basic rights or hygiene or education or betterment of standard of living . But why ? Why we do not care about the...