Make your Mundane - Exotic

Recycled ...
In this quarantine .. We mostly have our home ..
Make a happy home with full of colors of love

I made
a table
a plant holder
a sink rack
pots to plant tress

all from waste materials

1. Boxes in which furniture were delivered
2 .Broken thermocol
3. Used pepsi bottles
4 .Used liquor bottles
5. Torn Dresses
6. Shoe Boxes

We are always looking for some extra , but we sometimes forget to nurture and beautify what we have . Sometimes we think trivial and broken things are useless , but we forgot to see , the magic of mundane , the magic of triviality .
We need love and care towards those mundane things , to make it exotic .
We need to understand the mundane life that , gives us power to fight odds , it make us grow and it makes us powerful , unique .

So love what you already have .
We just running to make our dreams true , but live the present and enjoy.
Love your life , the way it is .

#recycleplastic #recyclemorewasteless #recycle #trivia #mundane #waste #wastemanagement #craft #wasteless #wastematerialcraft #wastematerial #craft #mylife #mylifemyway #trivial #nurture


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