The story of sellers and I

There are flies ... there are dust on the roads .. carts ....vehicles .. big umbrellas to guard from the scorching sun .
The sellers sitting on the road selling vegetables , sanitizer , mask , raw fish ,meat , plants to decorate houses , cereals and all the daily needs of the local people are served by them .
We call it , in our native language - bazaar .
The sellers serve us with all our very important needs of day to day life .
What if there are no seller - can we exist ?
No we cannot ... They are important to our lives .
Have we ever thought - how they are in their lives ?
What are there day to day struggle for their basic needs or survival .
But they are very useful to our daily lives , they are working day and night for very little in return ( in monetary terms ) to serve us , but normally we do not give any time to think about their well being or basic rights or hygiene or education or betterment of standard of living . But why ? 
Why we do not care about their emotions ?
Why ? 
Why we do not analyze that they are labouriously working to make our life smooth and stable and they still could not make the both ends meet .
Have we ever thought , what a seller in the market eat everyday after such a hard labour ? 
Do they get proper nutrition ? 
Do they get proper emotional support when they are sad or unhappy or in trouble or tired of their daily battle ? 
Do they have a bed .. a bathroom ..a fan .. light .. proper ventilation in their house .. or enough food to meet their hunger !! 
We ( the upper class of society ) have almost all the amenities but we don't think or care about their livelihood ( generally , there are exceptions ) , although they are very important to us ..they help us to be in the comfort we are in , we are use to .. we are enjoying . They are the suppliers of our daily essential needs of life .
What if they fell in the trap of cancer ?
How they manage ?
Should we think about their well being ?
Should we act for their well being ? 
Should we put effort ( or little effort , which can be huge if everyone participate ) for their well being ? 
Should we support each other to support them ? 
Should we lend our hand of help to them ( as per our capacity ) ?
Because we ( the upper class of society ) is much more privileged , should we share our privilege with them .
Should we make the earth a better place for all !!
The sun shines for all ...
Everyone has the rights for basic needs ..
Everyone has right to be happy ..
Everyone should have equal opportunity ..


  1. Sensible and sensitive writing.

  2. compassion is the greatest of all emotions. It reflects in the write up


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