Two shares with immense potential of growth in the renewable energy sector ... learn why and invest wisely

It is the time to shift from non - renewable energy to renewable energy. Companies which are working on renewable energy or the infrastructure to produce renewable energy will create an impact in the future. The shares of those company will increase many folds which has a vital role in the creation of renewable energy in our country India. The government is also taking measures and initiative for this. Two major companies are Borosil Renewables Ltd and Tata Power, these two has immense potential for future growth Borosil Renewable s Ltd is a glass producing company. It's special feature is, it's producing glass for the solar panel which can create solar energy. It is creating a monopoly in the solar panel glass area. "Borosil Renewables expand its solar panel glass manufacturing capacity from 450 tons per day to 2,000 as it continues to see strong growth in demand. The company is adding a third solar line with a capacity of 550 metric tons which is exp...